Introducing Helm.

There’s a reason this tool is so popular and a MUST-KNOW for the highest earning DevOps industry with more teams adopting it everyday.

Picture this: the application you’re working with has 5 separate components that amounts to 20 deployments, 5 services, 12 configmaps, 7 PVC’s and to top it off, you need to deploy it into 8 different testing environments before going into prod.

How many YAML files would that be? 

Now you Have to manage the constant changes to those files across all those different environments.

What if you need to clear it down? How long will it take you to roll back? 

This is where Helm comes in.

Helm allows us to “template” our Kubernetes files so we can use a values file to plug in any details we need. 

This means each environment can have it’s own values files so each deployment can be tailored

You can add our Kuberentes YAML files and package them into what is called a “Chart”. 

Each of the separate applications can be put in their own chart and pulled in as dependencies from Chart Museum - our chart repository. 

Helm is often referred to as The “package manager for Kubernetes” as you can deploy charts and any dependencies they have in a single deployment. 

Deploying charts is a breeze: it’s one SINGLE command.

And to clear an environment? 

You guessed it, just ONE command! 

I Know! Unbelievable right?

Think of how many late nights you would have avoided! 

Imagine all the time, effort and pain you’re going to save using Helm.

Now you’re ready to use it, you need to learn it. 

Now you know the best kept secret from some of the best DevOps teams in the world.

You’ve got the opportunity to master this tool. 

The Helm 3 Masterclass will take you from Zero to Helm Hero.

Showing you:

  • How to take advantage of the powerful templating language
  • Get you up to speed using Helm 
  • Advanced conditional logic to make your charts even more powerful
  • Setup and use chart museum 
  • Advanced Helm techniques for multiple charts 
  • Expert Secrets from Industry - master troubleshooting tricks that you won’t find anywhere else
  • 3 Unique Hands-on projects and much, much more

You want to use Helm Now, not in a couple of months!

Which is what inspired us to make the ultimate course with 0 filler! We want more engineers like you to get on board with the tech fast! 

This is the one-stop course to learn everything you need to know to start working with Helm right away.

The Helm 3 Master class will prep you as if you started using it YEARS ago along with the other pros!

You’ll be learning from TJ Addams, an ex-Deloitte and ex-Capgemini lead DevOps engineer. He has been working with Helm and teaching DevOps for the last 3 years. 

His experience of working with Helm on massive multimillion dollar projects will give you unique insights you won’t find anywhere else.

If you’re going to learn helm, why not learn it from the best?

Sign up now and become a Helm Expert for only $49

The course will give you:

  • All the knowledge you need to get started and more
  • Over 1.5 hours of expertly crafted videos
  • An Awesome certificate of completion when you finish the course

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Before You Start
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Helm 2 vs 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Helm 101
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Challenge 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Troubleshooting Masterclass
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beyond Basics
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Challenge 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chart Museum
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Challenge 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Advanced Helm
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Final Section
Available in days
days after you enroll